Father Valan Arockiaswamy

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Our Lady of Good Health Prayer

Dec 25, 2023 View Grey 2778 Intent Grey 0
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Let's all pray together

Our Lady of Good Health

Dear Mary, mother of Christ and our mother, you, Our Lady of Good Health, we implore you to plead your Son, our Saviour, for each of His children.

Him who wanted to deliver the humanity from all burdens and weaknesses, Him who carried our everyday weight in the shadow of the cross.

Him who crossed to torrent of death, Him whose empty grave annouces our deliverance. We ask you to look kindly upon:

  • the children to be born, the children who are sick;

  • the children abused by the violence of adults;

  • the sick who hope for healing, and those who have lost hope;

  • the visitors of sanctuaries and the casual tourists;

  • those who walk, exercise and take care of their body;

  • the pilgrims of Saint-Jacques de Compostela;

  • the inhabitants of our city and particulary those who are suffering;

Our Lady of Good Health pray for us.

(P) Amen.

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