Father Valan Arockiaswamy

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Prayer of a Seafarer

Jun 14, 2013 View Grey 8075 Intent Grey 1
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Let's all pray together

Jesus Calming the Stormy Sea

Lord, Ruler over waves and sea, keep your blessed hand over all seafarers.

Give me the strength to lead a Christian life aboard our ship.

I do not want to disappoint anyone who may expect help from me aboard.

Keep my family at home in your care. Even when far away from them for long, let me always be attached to them.

Help me and all seafarers to keep on the right course always, and to reach the safe port of heaven.

(P) Amen.

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  • June 22, 2013, 12:15 pm PT

    I had the opportunity to accompany Father Valan on a couple of ship visits in the past. Even if for only few hours, I could witness the way these men live and work in sacrifices so that goods can be moved around the world.
    I pray for all of the seafarers, their families and friends so that the Lord can give them strength, patience, hope and calm seas during the exercise of their duties.

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