Father Valan Arockiaswamy

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Prayer to Sainte Dymphna

Jun 7, 2013 View Grey 210949 Intent Grey 7
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Let's all pray together

Sainte Dymphna

Lord Jesus Christ, you have willed that Sainte Dymphna should be invoked by thousands of patients as the patroness of nervous and mental disease, and have brought it about that her interest in these patients should be an inspiration to and an ideal of charity throughout the world.

Grant that through the prayers of this youthful martyr of purity, those who suffer from nervous and mental illness everywhere on earth may be helped and consoled.

I recommend to you in particular (here mention the names of those you wish to pray for).

Be pleased to hear the prayers of Sainte Dymphna and of your Blessed Mother. Give those whom I recommend the patience to Your divine will. Give them the consolation they need and especially the cure they so much desire, if it be Your will, through Christ, Our Lord.

(P) Amen.

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  • February 8, 2014, 10:18 pm PT

    Thank you Father for including my son in your prayers and for introducing us to Saint Dymphna.
    Will join you in praying to St. Dymphna for my son, your brother and all who are suffering from this tormenting disability.

    • February 10, 2014, 10:19 am PT

      Dear Alice, please remember we believe in a God who has the power to heal all our diseases. We offer our prayers to God through the intercession of His blessed mother Mary and Saint Dymphna for Alvin and all those who suffer from nervous and mental afflictions. Please know you and your family are in my prayers during the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Thursdays.

  • January 18, 2014, 05:05 pm PT

    For my son Anselm and his father Thomas

    • January 19, 2014, 01:59 am PT

      Dear Anne, we shall pray together to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for Anselm and Thomas. We shall also ask the intercession of Saint Dymphna. Please be assured of my prayers and our community for them and all who are sick every Thursday during the Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.

  • July 17, 2013, 10:23 pm PT

    Dear Edouard,
    I am Jayabal. Thank you very much that you are praying for me.

  • June 10, 2013, 02:59 am PT

    Dear Father Valan, as you taught us in your homily from May 26th, Jesus remained silent on so many things including the questions on human suffering, war and poverty. Nonetheless, we were given the most precious example of ultimate love - His own death on the Cross for our salvation.
    I'm joining you in your prayer to Sainte Dymphna for your brother, Jayabal, and all people who were chosen by the Lord to carry the heavy burden of suffering, disability and rejection along with our Saviour Jesus Christ.

  • June 8, 2013, 05:38 pm PT

    St Dymphna, I ask you and all the saints in heaven to intercede for my youngest brother who needs healing.

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