Father Valan Arockiaswamy

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Father Valan Baptismal Renewal at the Jordan River, Qasr-al-Yahud  Father Valan Baptismal Renewal at the Jordan River, October 14, 2016 Enlarge Image


5 items found in the database within the above time frame. Read or Listen to the homilies by clicking on the links below or use the Prev or Next buttons to select a different month of the year.

  • Twenty Seventh Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year C)
    Sun, Oct 2 Views 9973 Listen 1 Downloads 0

    Paul writes this letter to Timothy in the midst of his isolation, loneliness, persecution, and imminent death. He writes to inspire and strengthen Timothy in his work. In order for Timothy to courageously move ahead in the preaching of the gospel Paul reminds Timothy of certain things. Read more »

  • Twenty Eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year C)
    Sun, Oct 9 Views 3033 Listen 1 Downloads 0

    The Samaritan received not just physical healing but also the healing of emotional and spiritual wounds which liberated him from his negative emotions, such as anger and hatred toward those who had alienated and abandoned him, and thus completely transformed his life. Read more »

  • Twenty Ninth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year C)
    Sun, Oct 16 Views 2709 Listen 1 Downloads 0

    When we are burdened with worries, fears, cares and trials, let us persist, just as this widow did, in pleading for justice and mercy from God. Let us keep praying despite all the obstacles we face and despite all the signs that show we should just give up. Even when we do not get an immediate answer, let us keep asking and keep believing because God hears our cry for help. Read more »

  • Thirtieth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year C)
    Sun, Oct 23 Views 14875 Listen 1 Downloads 0

    In today's text Paul recalls his Christian faith of over thirty years and envisages what awaits him after death. He says, "I am already being poured out like a libation, and the time of my departure is at hand." Read more »

  • Thirty First Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year C)
    Sun, Oct 30 Views 2545 Listen 1 Downloads 0

    One day Zacchaeus hears that Jesus is coming through his town. He wants to see Jesus. But he is too short to see Jesus because of the crowd. Despite his stature he is determined to see him for he knows that even though he is wealthy and successful, something is missing in his life. He realizes that only Jesus can fill this emptiness. Read more »

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