Father Valan Arockiaswamy

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At the Basilica of the Annunciation, Nazareth  At The Basilica of the Annunciation, Nazareth, October 13, 2016 Enlarge Image


4 items found in the database within the above time frame. Read or Listen to the homilies by clicking on the links below or use the Prev or Next buttons to select a different month of the year.

  • Nineteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year C)
    Sun, Aug 7 Views 3706 Listen 1 Downloads 0

    Complacency is one of the enemies of our spiritual progress and, it can be a serious temptation. When we are complacent we are prone to sin, to worldly living and thinking, and prone to be ensnared by the devil. Read more »

  • Twentieth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year C)
    Sun, Aug 14 Views 3080 Listen 1 Downloads 0

    Sometimes arguments and disagreements over small things lead to division and discord in our families. We argue. We fight. We yell and scream at one another. And then in one way or another, we learn to forgive and reconcile for the sake of peace. Far from offering comfort, Jesus in today’s gospel warns us that He has come to set the earth on fire and cause division, splitting families apart. Read more »

  • Twenty First Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year C)
    Sun, Aug 21 Views 2416 Listen 1 Downloads 0

    All Christians are called upon to deal with suffering through their faith in God. In the last two weeks, we have been studying and reflecting on Christian faith from the perspective of the writer of the letter to the Hebrews. The writer makes an earnest appeal to the oppressed Hebrew Christians to persevere in faith because they are growing weary and losing faith. Read more »

  • Twenty Second Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year C)
    Sun, Aug 28 Views 4014 Listen 2 Downloads 0

    Jesus is an example of the exaltation that God will grant to every humble believer. Jesus is fully God, yet he humbled Himself by dying on the cross, and therefore God highly exalted Him, Philippians (2:8-10). Read more »

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