Father Valan Arockiaswamy

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The lift lobby Signage of the new St. Peter's and AOS Centre in Jordan  The lift lobby Signage of the new St. Peter's and AOS Centre, Jordan, Mar 3, 2018 Enlarge Image


4 items found in the database within the above time frame. Read or Listen to the homilies by clicking on the links below or use the Prev or Next buttons to select a different month of the year.

  • Fourteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B)
    Sun, Jul 7 Views 376 Listen 8 Downloads 0

    In spite of the message of truth, love, compassion and justice that they bring, we refuse to listen to their voice because we think we know well who they are. Our pride prevents us from hearing from them and seeing their goodness and the presence of God in their lives. Read more »

  • Fifteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B)
    Sun, Jul 14 Views 192 Listen 2 Downloads 0

    Miracles could only happen where there was faith. The rejection and unbelief of his own people amazed Jesus, but it did not stop him from continuing his God-given mission and moreover, entrusting the same mission to his disciples. Read more »

  • Sixteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B)
    Sun, Jul 21 Views 478 Listen 2 Downloads 0

    If you are so concerned about your physical, economic or financial status, are you also concerned about your spiritual wellbeing? How often do you measure your spiritual growth? Is your faith deeper or shallower than last year or when you first believed in Jesus or when you were baptized? Are you growing in your faith or losing your faith? These are the questions Saint Paul addresses in today’s second reading of his Letter to the Ephesians. Read more »

  • Seventeenth Sunday of Ordinary Time (Year B)
    Sun, Jul 28 Views 37 Listen 1 Downloads 0

    Our characteristics are not innate. No one is born with them. For instance, we are not born honest or liars, but we become so by repeatedly telling the truth or by repeatedly lying. But we can embrace good characteristics through faith. We believe that without our faith in God, we cannot possibly achieve all these qualities – humility, gentleness, patience, enduring love and peace. Read more »

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